How ai grammar checker can help you write Error-free English
Writing English that is free from any kind of errors is essential for maximum communication and clarity. This is because there are several consequences of having grammatical errors in the writing. Errors can make the reader confuse, raise questions about the professionalism of the writer, etc. Therefore, no matter if you are a student, English […]
How Online Text Editors Are Helpful For Writers?
With time, people from all fields are moving towards innovative programs. A few years back, almost all writers were using offline word processing programs like MS word to write their tasks. But it has become common to use an Online Text Editor now to accomplish those tasks. Such tools are considered to be more beneficial […]
Different Applications of Integration Related To Education
In mathematics, the role of integration is worth considering. It has a variety of applications that must be considered while calculating different types of quantities. In the following article, we will explore different applications of integration. In addition, we will let you know how using an Integral Calculator by calculatored.com will assist you in resolving […]
Why Use Technology in Learning Education?
Math is such a subject that is considered to be a dry one. However, the tutor can help the students to learn math wholeheartedly by enhancing their level of interest. It is possible to make math classrooms more interesting and beneficial for students with the use of technology. Technology plays a splendid role in offering […]
How to Zip PDF Books Like a Pro?
A PDF (Portable Document Format) file size can be reduced to a large extension by zipping. Once you have zipped the PDF, you can share them wherever you want. We shortlisted a few best PDF-to-zip converters that reveal how to zip a PDF file using certain operating systems and devices. Remember That! Zipping files is […]
প্রাইমারি ভাইভা অভিজ্ঞতা
প্রার্থীর নামঃঅনিচ্ছুক ডিপার্টমেন্ট : বিশ্ব ধর্ম ও সংস্কৃতি,ঢাবি। সময়:১.৪০ এর দিকে তারিখ: ৩/৬/২২ জেলা: কক্সবাজার প্রথমে রুমে প্রবেশ করার পর একজন হাতের লেখা চেক করলেন।পাশে বোর্ড ছিলো তিনজনের।সালাম দিয়ে বোর্ডে গেলাম,শুরুতেই বললেন গান কবিতা পারি কি,না। আমি:জ্বী স্যার, অবশ্যই। আমি স্কুলে গান শিখতাম।এগুলা নিয়ে কিছুক্ষণ কথা বললেন।গান শুনলেন না। বললেন যেহেতু শিখছেন আর গাইতে হবে […]
15th NTRCA Result 2019 [Final]
15th NTRCA result 2019, final viva result will publish by the authority. 15th NTRCA result 2019 will publish at NTRCA official website www.ntrca.gov.bd and ntrca.teletalk.com.bd. We also publish this result in result section of our website. Let’s see, how to check NTRCA result? 15th NTRCA Result Final Viva Result 15th NTRCA viva result will publish […]
10 Best Online Book Shop in Bangladesh
This article is about 10 best online book shop in Bangladesh with home delivery services. Bangladesh is most busiest and populated country of the whole world. There are many peoples live is this country. Maximum city are the most busiest likely traffic jam. So many people want to buy or purchase any book from online […]
Best BCS Preparation Book List
This is best BCS preparation book list according to some previous top BCS cadre like, foreign cadre, customs cadre and police cadre. We have followed them in Facebook and collect heir post about BCS preparation book. After collected their opinion about best BCS preparation book list, we have created bellow list. BCS examination is has […]
All BCS Question Solution PDF Download
Have a good day! If you are looking for all BCS question solutions and answers PDF. You got the exact place to download all BCS question banks at once. This post is about the all BCS question solution pdf download. The Bangladesh Civil Service or BCS is a nationwide competitive examination in Bangladesh conducted by […]