All Govt Job Circular in Bangladesh 2021

All govt job circular in Bangladesh 2021 is available in Bangladesh is a most populated country in the world. Approximately 163 million people are living in this country. Now a days, unemployment is a large problem of this country and looking for govt job circular in Bangladesh. There is not available job sector or work facilities according to educated people like graduate completed students. Most of the graduate completed students are unemployed and looking for government job. So, they are looking for new and all govt job circular in Bangladesh 2021.

All Job Circular of BPSC

Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC) is quasi judicial constitutional body established in 1972. All It is responsible for holding Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) Examinations and publishing its results. Also responsible for BPSC non-cadre govt job circular in Bangladesh. Here I listed all BPSC cadre and non-cadre job are published by the authority according to govt job circular in Bangladesh.

  1. BCS Circular
  2. BPSC Non Cadre Job Circular

All Government Bank Job Circular

Bangladesh Bank Job Circular

All human resource recruitment process of all government bank like Sonali Bank, Rupali Bank, Agrani Bank, Janata Bank, Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Bangladesh Development Bank, Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank under Banker’s Selection Committee Secretariat(BSCS). BSCS is a committee  published job circular, arrange job examination and select qualified candidates from graduation students of Bangladesh. Lets follow bellow job list for attending any government bank of Bangladesh.

  1. Bangladesh Bank Job Circular
  2. Sonali Bank Job Circular
  3. Rupali Bank Job Circular
  4. Agrani Bank Job Circular
  5. Janata Bank Job Circular
  6. Bangladesh Krishi Bank Job Circular
  7. Bangladesh Development Bank Job Circular
  8. Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank Job Circular
  9. All Private Bank Job Circular

All Public University Job Circular in Bangladesh

There are 45 public university in Bangladesh, as per University Grants Commission update information. All universities publish their job circular on their won website and all job portal in Bangladesh also publish those job circular parallel. Let’s see all public university job circular by clicking bellows link under all govt job circular in Bangladesh.

All Public University Job Circular in Bangladesh

All Seats and Units of DU

All Ministry Job Circular of Bangladesh

Total 25 Cabinet Ministers, 7 Advisers 19, State Ministers and 3 Deputy Ministers in this parliament. Each ministry publish their job circular in their website. Also publish using any daily national newspaper. Just follow daily newspaper for getting all govt job circular in Bangladesh. Also follow our job section of Bellows link is for all job posts.

All Ministry Job Circular of Bangladesh

All Govt Job Circular in Bangladesh 2021 1

NTRCA Job Circular

NTRCA circular will publish in NTRCA official website.  All job seekers can follow notice board of for getting next NTRCA circular. NTRCA is a government organization for selecting lecturer, teachers, employers and demonstrator of non government school, college, madrasha and vocational school of Bangladesh. Lets see NTRCA circular by clicking bellows web link of govt job circular in Bangladesh.

NTRCA Circular

All Govt Job Circular in Bangladesh 2021 2

Primary Assistant Teacher Job Circular

There are 38033 primary schools in Bangladesh as per wikipadia list. Primary education is class one to class five. Also have pre primary education system in Bangladesh. Three years to 5 years is pre primary age limit. All primary school has some assistant teacher, one assistant head teacher and one head teacher. Directorate of Primary Education is responsible organization for recruitment of primary assistant teacher. And BPSC is responsible organization for recruitment of primary head teacher. DPE will publish primary assistant teacher job circular, arrange recruitment test and select qualified candidates for join as primary assistant teacher. Let’s see bellows circular under govt job circular in Bangladesh.

Primary Assistant Teacher Job Circular

All Govt Job Circular in Bangladesh 2021 3

Various Project Job Circular

All government project jobs in Bangladesh on, the job portal and best educational website in Bangladesh. We have posts all project or contractual jobs in our website for employer or job seekers of Bangladesh. Keep in touch to to our job section for getting newly posted project jobs. Just follow this link under govt job circular in Bangladesh.

All Project Jobs Circular of Bangladesh

Oil and Gas Company Job Circular

There are some oil and gas companies in Bangladesh. All jobs are jobs of oil and gas companies in Bangladesh are posted according to their circular under govt job circular in Bangladesh. Listed bellow all companies:

  1. Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation
  2. Burmah Oil
  3. Gas Transmission Company Limited
  4. Jamuna Oil Company
  5. Padma Oil Company
  6. Petrobangla
  7. Titas Gas

Oil and Gas Company Job Circular are available here

BREB Job Circular

Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board or BREB, is government owned and operated corporation in Dhaka, Bangladesh and is responsible for rural electrification. It is major power distribution company in Bangladesh. All job circular are posted in our website according to BREB notice board. Please follow this website for learn more about BREB jobs under govt job circular in Bangladesh.

All Job Circular of BREB

Defence jobs in Bangladesh

All Defence jobs in Bangladesh are available in our job section according to departmental job circular of govt job circular in Bangladesh.  Just see our daily update for getting latest circular of all defence jobs in Bangladesh. The list of agencies and departments under the Ministry of Defence of Bangladesh are below under govt job circular in Bangladesh:

Defence Forces

  1. Bangladesh Army
  2. Bangladesh Air Force
  3. Bangladesh Navy

Inter-Forces institutions

  1. Director Generals of Medical Services (DGMS)
  2. National Defence College (NDC)
  3. Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC)
  4. Army Medical Colleges(AMC)
  5. Armed Forces Medical Institute (AFMI)
  6. Defence Services Command and Staff College (DSCSC)
  7. Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST)
  8. Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP)
  9. Inter Services Selection Board (ISSB)
  10. Bangladesh Armed Services Board (BASB)
  11. Directorate General of Defence Purchase (DGDP)
  12. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP)
  13. Bangladesh Ordnance Factories (BOF)
  14. Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI)
  15. Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR)
  16. Governing Bodies of Cadet Colleges

Other agencies and departments

  1. Bangladesh National Cadet Corps
  2. Survey of Bangladesh (SOB)
  3. Department of Military Lands & Cantonments
  4. Department of Cipher
  5. Office of Chief Administrative Officer
  6. Ministry of Defence Constabulary
  7. Controller General of Defence Finance
  8. Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD)
  9. Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO)

In Conclusion

Here in try to post about All govt job circular in Bangladesh 2021. If you want ask any question about this article? You can ask throw comment or post BCS Study official facebook group. Thanks for visit our website and keep in touch for next update. Also subscribe to our mailing list for govt job circular in Bangladesh.

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