JSC Result 2019 with Full MarkSheet

JSC Result 2019 will publish by authority in their website at educationboardresults.gov.bd. This article is about JSC Result 2019. JSC is abbreviation of Junior School Certificate and JDC is short term of Junior Dakhil Certificate. Both examination will held on class 8 according to Bangladesh education system. Before attend this examination, each students must be passed the PSC examination. Also ministry of education managed PSC exam and PSC result in same system.

This article is for all information of JSC Result and JDC Result. I’ll explain all point of exam start date, exam ending date, provably result publish date, number off students, success percent, failed percent and all education board notice of Bangladesh. PSC Result 2019, SSC Result 2020 and HSC Result 2020 are available in our website. Let’s start now.

When JSC Exam Date 2019 Will Start?

The education board of Bangladesh has been published the JSC exam routine in 03 July, 2019. JSC exam 2019 will be start Saturday, November 02. 2019. Authority can change, cancel and fix any new date for any subject. If canceled any subject or any exam? Authority will publish new exam date in their notice board. Let’s follow notice board of educationboardresults.gov.bd.

JSC Exam Date

JDC Exam Routine 2019 for Madrasha Board

In addition, I’m writing this part for JDC routine 2019 of JDC result 2019. JDC is JSC level examination of Madrasha board of Bangladesh. Madrasha board also publish their JDC exam routine 17 July, 2019. Here I write, JDC exam routine 2019. Please follow bellows images and Madrasha board website for getting further information. Click PDF download button for downloading as PDF.

JDC Exam Routine 2020

Download PDF

When JSC Exam Routine 2019 Will Publish?

For instance, This is JSC routine 2019 part of JSC Result 2019. Education board of Bangladesh published JSC routine 2019 in their website at notice section and various daily news papers of Bangladesh, both Bangla and English. You can find JSC routine 2019 in our website. We also publish any notice about examination according to Education board website. Click PDF download button for downloading as PDF.

JSC Exam Routine 2020Download PDF

When JSC 2019 Result will Publish?

Before publishing result, most of the guardian are looking for jsc result 2019 publish date. So, I’m writing here about jsc result publish date. However, the authority will publish the result on December last week as per previous year assumption. Most probably, JSC result will publish at 31 December, 2019. Education ministry will publish an news about JSC Result 2019, in all news paper, electronic media, TV channel, online news portal and many more.


All students can learn about result publish date and time by that new. So, follow news paper headline, TV breaking news and ministry website for result publish date.

Information of JDC Result 2019

In other words, JDC result 2019 will publish in Madrasha board website and government education board website, educationboardresults.gov.bd. In the madrassa board, the pass rate was 89 per cent in 2018. JDC result 2019 also publish same date and time with JSC result 2019. Because of it’s same level or equivalent examination. So, keep in touch and follow our notice board for further information about JDC result 2019.

Publishing Procedure of JSC Result 2019

Education Minister Dipu Moni, after handing over results to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, declared that 85.2 per cent passed the JSC examination 2018. This year(2018), 68,095 students secured GPA 5. Total 25,99,169(2018) students attend JSC and JDC examinations under the eight education boards and madrasa board of Bangladesh.

JSC Result 2019

Institute Wise JSC Result 2019

This, way you can get institute wise result. Teachers and administration officers of any school, can follow this step to collect your all students result by institute.

Let’s check school wise JSC result 2019:

  1. Go to http://mail.educationboard.gov.bd/web/
  2. Select your board name
  3. Enter your EIIN number
  4. Select result type
  5. Get Institution Result

Get School Wise JSC Result 2019

jsc result 2020 by school

All Education Board Wise JSC Result

Therefore, All board has personal website for publishing their result, notice and any type news. So, we can check our desired result using any boards website. I have listed all board website list bellow. Please, find your desired education board and got that website for finding JSC result.

  1. www.educationboardsresult.gov.bd
  2. www.dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd
  3. www.rajshahieducationboard.gov.bd
  4. www.bteb.gov.bd
  5. www.eboardresults.com
  6. www.barisalboard.gov.bd
  7. www.bise-ctg.portal.gov.bd
  8. www.comillaboard.portal.gov.bd
  9. www.jessoreboard.gov.bd
  10. www.sylhetboard.gov.bd
  11. www.bmeb.gov.bd
  12. www.dinajpureducationboard.gov.bd
  13. www.mymensingheducationboard.gov.bd

How to Get JSC Result by SMS

After that, I’m writing, How to get result from your mobile phone? You can get your JSC result 2019  from your featured phone or smart phone. Just follow bellows system to get your desired result.

jsc result 2020 by sms

SMS System:

JSC <SPACE>First three letters of your Board name<SPACE> Roll No<SPACE> 2020 and send to 16222

SMS Example:

JSC DHA 24136274 2020 send 16222

How to Get JSC Result with Full Mark-sheet

Similarly, All students can get their JSC result 2019 or JDC result 2019 using web apps or alternate server. Here I list alternate server or link to find result without any error message like, “Server Not Found”, “This Site Can’t Be Reached”, “404 Page Not Found”, etc.

JSC Result with Full Mark-sheet

So, let’s click bellow link or button for access result using alternate server or mirror server.

JSC Result Marksheet [2019]

Let’s click bellow images to get jsc result marksheet 2019 at all. Also you can get full marksheet with any server loading issue from bellow links. So, click now.

Result Online

Total Education Board in Bangladesh

Intermediate and secondary education in Bangladesh are answerable for conducting the examinations for the S.S.C and the H.S.C level examinations. The boards also are accountable for the recognition of personal region instructional institutes.

Total Education Board in Bangladesh

There are nine regional boards in Bangladesh:

  1. Dhaka Education Board
  2. Rajshahi Education Board
  3. Chattogram Education Board
  4. Jessore Education Board
  5. Barisal Education Board
  6. Sylhet Education Board
  7. Cumilla Education Board
  8. Dinajpur Education Board
  9. Mymensingh Education Board

Two alternative education boards:

  1. Bangladesh Technical Education Board
  2. Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board

Source: Wikipedia

JSC Result 2019 Dhaka Board

Dhaka education board is a self-sufficient association and liable for holding public examination of Bangladesh. They likewise distribute JSC result, SSC result and HSC result. Dhaka board office is situated at Bakshibazar, Dhaka.

Get Result: https://www.dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd/

JSC Result 2019 with Full MarkSheet 1

JSC Result 2019 Rajshahi Board

Rajshahi education board mostly answerable for holding two public examination SSC and HSC. The board began its activity in the year 1961(Pakistan period). Located in Greater Rd, Rajshahi-6000.

Get Result: http://www.rajshahieducationboard.gov.bd/

Rajshahi Board JSC Result 2019


JSC Result 2019 Chattogram Board

Chattogram education board is liable for holding both examination SSC and HSC. This board authoritatively began its activity in the year 1995. Later the this beginning holding JSC test after declare by authority. Location of this board is Beside Forest Gate, near Sholoshohor Station, CDA Ave, 4000.

Get Result: https://bise-ctg.portal.gov.bd/

Chattogram Board JSC Result 2019


JSC Result 2019 Jessore Board

The board of intermediate and secondary education, Jashore, Bangladesh a self-governing association. This board answerable for holding open assessments (HSC and HSC) and for giving acknowledgment to the recently settled non-government instructive organizations. Located in Dhaka – Khulna Highway, Jessore-7401.

Get Result: https://www.jessoreboard.gov.bd/

Jessore Board JSC Result 2019

JSC Result 2019 Barisal Board

Barisal education board started its operation in 1999. It is an self-regulating organization. Considering the growing demand for both qualitative and quantitative education in country. Its focuses are improvement inspection and providing assistance in forming managing committees of schools and colleges, controlling student enrollment in schools and colleges, improvement in physical education and sportsmanship of students and organization of  J.S.C. , S.S.C. and H.S.C.

Get Result: https://www.barisalboard.gov.bd/

Barisal Board JSC Result 2019

JSC Result 2019 Sylhet Board

Sylhet education board is a self-governing association and  answerable for holding open assessments in all locale of Sylhet division. Sylhet board is set up in 1999. Physical location in Zakiganj Rd, Sylhet.

Get Result: https://sylhetboard.gov.bd/

Sylhet Board JSC Result 2019

JSC Result 2019 Cumilla Board

The board of intermediate and secondary education, Cumilla is a self-ruling association. This board is liable for holding examination in the Cumilla area and five close by regions of Cumilla. Address: Laksham Rd, Comilla 3500

Get Result: https://comillaboard.portal.gov.bd/

Cumilla Board JSC Result 2019

JSC Result 2019 Dinajpur Board

Dinajpur education board is an autonomous organization of Bangladesh. Mainly responsible for holding three public examinations (HSC and HSC) and for providing recognition to the newly.

Get Result: http://dinajpureducationboard.gov.bd/

DinajpurBoard JSC Result 2019

JSC Result 2019 Mymensingh Board

Mymensingh education board of Bangladesh was established for Mymensingh division in 28th August 2017. This board is for control and development of SSC and HSC level examinations.

Get Result: http://www.mymensingheducationboard.gov.bd/

Bangladesh Technical Education Board Result

BTEB is a state administrative board answerable for monitoring and developing technical and vocational education. Presently a days,  specialized and professional instruction are generally significant for any underemployed nation like Bangladesh.

Address: Begum Rokeya Sarani, Agargaon, Dhaka 1207
Phone: 02-8143724

Get Result: http://www.bteb.gov.bd/

JDC Result 2019 Madrasah Board

“Alia Madrasah Education Board” or Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board started its activity independently in 1979. With the passage of time of madrasah education. Dakhil and Alim level  examination are hold by this education board.

Address: 13, 14 Joynag Rd, Dhaka 1211
Phone: 02-8626138

Get Result: http://bmeb.ebmeb.gov.bd/

In Conclusion

Finally, end of this article, If you have any question about JSC Result 2019? Please write throw comment, or send message using official Facebook page in bellow mention name. Thanks for visiting our website and keep in touch for getting all public examination results.

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