16th NTRCA Written Result

16th NTRCA written result has been published. Authority will publish 16th NTRCA written result soon. After finishing the written exam, all candidates are looking for NTRCA result and searching by “NTRCA written result publish date” or “When publish NTRCA written result?”. So, I’m writing this post with all information about 16th NTRCA written result.



16th NTRCA Written Result 2020

Here is the best technique to get NTRCA result. There are some ways to find written result of NTRCA. I’m writing all of these system. It may help you to find your result online.

Let’s see all about “NTRCA written result”.

When publish NTRCA written result

Normally, NTRCA will publish written result after sixty days after the examination. As per this calculation, Last week f February first week of March, 16th NTRCA result will publish. It’s not accurate date for publishing the result. It’s just assumption date according to various interview of NTRCA authority.

All the preliminary passed students are eligible for the written examination. That’s why all the written pass students are waiting for the result publishing date.

NTRCA Chairman told about result date

NTRCA chairman Mr. Akram Hossain

Honorable NTRCA chairman Mr. Akram Hossain told about the result date of 16th NTRCA written exam. Last 1st September, 2020, chairman sir told about this result, “Result will publish soon. We are ready to publish the result and sent to education ministry for final permission. After their permission, we will publish the NTRCA result”. As per chairman sir spaces, we need to wait for the result publishing date.

Get NTRCA written result from website

This is very easy and faster way to find your result online. In this way you need to follow four(4) step to get your NTRCA result. I’m explaining bellow the steps.

Let’s checkout “Result Online?”

Step 1: Go to http://ntrca.teletalk.com.bd/result/

PSC Result 2019

After loading the website, you will see like bellows picture.

16th NTRCA preliminary result

Step 2: Fill up your roll number in text input option as per your admit card.

Step 3: Select your exam, which step you attend? Look like bellow images.

Step 4: Finally press “Submit” button to get your desired result online.

Click to get 16th NTRCA written result online from NTRCA authority website. You can check result online from this website.

Get NTRCA written result by SMS

In this SMS system, you need to do nothing. Just you will get a congratulation SMS in your registered mobile number. If you pass the written exam, then you will get this SMS. Otherwise you never get this SMS. If you write best in the exam hall, wait for this wishes SMS.

Preliminary Result Information

According to the last NTRCA Written results, a total of 15,362 candidates in school level, 624 candidates in school-2 level and 3,877 candidates in college level have passed the written examination. In 16th written examination, number of passed candidates will increase.

NTRCA Preliminary Preparation Online

NTRCA preliminary exam is the first exam of all three steps in NTRCA. In this step, you need to get 40 marks to pass the examination. To pass this examination you should read last 10 BCS preliminary question solution and all NTRCA preliminary question solution.

NTRCA Viva Preparation Tips

National University Admission Circular conclusion

There is not any exact viva syllabus for NTRCA viva exam. But as per previous candidates experience, maximum question from your major subject of graduation level.

Secondly, You need to know about libation war of Bangladesh. Most common history of libation war in our country.

Thirdly, you can read about history and culture of your home district. Famous person or political person of your area.

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