All NU Result [National University Result]

All NU Result 2020 are publish by the national university authority, based Bangladesh. NU is full short term or abbreviation of “National University”. There a large number students under national university in various affiliate college like; Government Rajendra College, Govt. Brajalal College, Ananda Mohan College & Carmichael College.

NU authority are responsible to publish all NU result of Bangladesh. We also try to publish the national university online at same time according to NU result notice.

NU Result 2020

National University are publish all result like Honours Result, Degree Result, Masters Result of each year. Also there are some professional course in under this university. All of these result are publish in their result base website page and get examination notice in the notice board section.

nu exam notice


Here I’m writing honours and degree result of NU. Let’s follow bellows all result list of national university…

NU Honours 1st Year Result

NU authority will publish honours 1st year result according to their website. Their result create committee will collect the result from examiner and prepare the result. All of the honours 1st year examine are looking for the result online. So we have created the best guide of nu honours 1st year result in our website at our notice board section.

NU Honours Result

NU Honours 2nd Year Result

If your a student of any affiliated college under NU? You may searching your year final result by Google. No need to search online. Just follow this article. It’s very easy and simple way to find nu honours 2nd year result online. It will help you as per your query.

NU Honours 3rd Year Result

After finishing the third year examination of national university; result appear students are waiting to get final year admission and nu honours 3rd year result in the website of NU. So it’s a smart guideline to get their result online.

NU Honours 4th Year Result

This is the honours final year result also. Because of, course duration of national university if  year. After passing this examination, students can get admission for masters degree of any reputed university like; public university, private university. So we just add nu honours 4th year result using their website under NU Result BD section.

NU Degree Result

NU Degree 1st Year Result

Pass course of national university is called degree examination. This is 3 years course for HSC passed students. After completing higher secondary certificate examination, students can apply for admission this course. After first year examination, all students are looking for nu degree year result online.

NU Degree 2nd Year Result

After completing first year or passing 1st year, students are attend for second year study. End of this year, NU authority will announce the degree second year examination. That’s why they are searching NU degree 2nd year result by search engine.

NU Degree 3rd Year Result

Third year the last year of degree pass curse students. In this year, they attend final examination of their course. After all; the are waiting for NU degree 3rd year result. University authority will publish the result in their website and permitted to attend master admission.

professional course result

NU Professional Course Result

National university also publish their professional course result online using their website. If you are professional course student of NU? You may search your professional course result from NU result section.

NU Masters Result

Here you find your master examination result online. Click to check NU masters result provided by our website and see with full mark sheet.


In conclusion, I have written the NU result article in my website. I have also try to add all NU result BD link in one post. Let’s know about your query about this article.

I’ll try to identify your problem and solve it as per your problem. Thank you for reading our website and keep in touch for next posts under best job preparation website Bangladesh & HSC result 2020.

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